Still have questions about managed services and what we do?
Don’t worry! You’re in the right place.
Here are the most commonly asked questions and our answers:

Most Common FAQ's

How do I keep track of my assignment?

You will be sent hourly tracker in excel format twice a week by your VA. This will include the total hours spent along with task description.

What is a Virtual Assistant?
How do we communicate and work together?
Is there any Signup fee?
Is there any Plan Upgrade or Downgrade fee?
Can I share the hours from my balance with someone else?
Will you sign a confidentiality agreement?
Who will be working along with my Virtual Assistant? Will he/she have any Team Leader to monitor their work?
What industries you serve?
How do you ensure my data is safe?
Does the unused hours carry forward to the next month?
Do you provide resources who speak language other than English?

Here to help all your needs

Schedule a Free Consultation so we can understand your needs and and walk you through how we can help.