How to utilize your time wisely after hiring a Task Officer (Virtual Assistant)

Task officer virtual assistant time

Task Officer are professional experts employed by Task Papa to work for their clients virtually. Also termed as Virtual Assistant by the industry, Task Officer comes to the rescue when you want to give your best to your personal and professional work and leave the petty task and assignments for your virtual employee.

One of our clients, Betty from New York is a perfect example who knows how to utilize her time wisely after hiring a Task Officer. Happiness followed when she used her time wisely. In her own words – “I forgot that I had a life beyond my work life however now I am much focused on other aspects of my life as well. Thanks to Task Papa”

It’s all about giving importance to your work, however, remember it’s also about giving time to your friends, family, and most important of all – to yourself. As per our research on our clients, on an average, our clients saves around 97 mins daily after giving their petty task and other assignments to their Task Officer. That sums up to 8 hours and 1 min in a week. A day saved in a week is surely a deal to grab. Needless to mention you save almost more than 56% by hiring a Task Officer as compared to a physician assistant. A win-win deal.

This motivates us to stick to our words – Delivering Freedom!

Below is the list of few things that you can do after hiring a Task Officer. Accumulated information from our clients with their permission will help you to streamline your personal and professional life.

1) Meet your friends and old colleagues:

We notice that our friends and colleagues often work close to our office. We reserve weekends for them however we end up doing nothing. Rest takes most of weekends and Monday comes with a routine that you are following for ages. How about calling up an old friend or colleague for a lunch? Of course, you can do this daily even without hiring a Task Officer however here we are talking about that “extra time” which you will miss without having a Task Officer. Call a friend for lunch, spend some extra time with them, see what they are up to, and strike a deal if its sounds like a plan!

2) Sign up for an online course:

An ample of websites are available online to fill your brains with information. Information that is helpful and will give you a boost of knowledge. When was the last time you learned something new? Long back? This happens with us most of the time as we are stuck with a routine and don’t have enough time to polish our skills or learn new skills. Remember you need to sharpen your ax frequently. Sites like or will be a good start.

3) Take a nap:

Sounds like a lazy idea but it’s not. Your body and mind need rest. Working nonstop for hours and hours will give you stress and body ache. This leads to distraction and lack of focus during working hours. Worst of all – you are not even aware of this situation until it’s too late. Research has proved that a nap or two during your working hours can boost your productivity by a huge margin. Worth trying, give it a shot.

4) Go for a walk:

Clinton, our client from GA came up with the idea of utilizing his free time by walking down the street for few mins and leaving his load of assignments for his Task Officer. He says “Apart from being good for health, it also helps me to digest my food” When was the last time you decided to drop your car and go for a walk?

5) Send messages to your friends:

Email sounds too professional, calls are time-consuming. How about sending a text to your friends and loved ones asking about their health and well-being? Don’t we all get in touch with them only when it’s needed? It won’t take much of your time even if you send a message to 20 of your contact daily. A personalized message is preferred and will be appreciated by your contacts. Once done repeat the cycle. Let them know that you remember them. Also, you need to remember – Out of sight is out of mind. Who knows which contact of yours will give you a deal in the future just because they saw your text and thought of you…

6) Plan your vacation:

It is noticed that the main reason for a vacation to go for a toss is because it’s unplanned. Leaving everything on tour manager is again not a good idea as they might not be aware purely about your choices for enjoyment in terms of locations, stay, etc. It’s you who have to take efforts to see the location pics and accommodation pics. You are the one who will check the reviews of the place and stay. The tour manager will close a deal by signing you up for the package however it’s you who needs an enjoyable vacation. Planning a vacation will give you ample time to go ahead and find the best deal from all the aspects of the holiday. Use your free time daily to decide the deal for multiple vacations throughout the year.

7) Play a game Online / Offline:

Games are considered as the real stress buster. Let’s admit the fact that you won’t have ample time to change your costume and play Rugby or Football with your friends however sometimes online games like Chess or Poker will not do any harm. Instead, it will be the best thing to do during your office hours for mental and physical relaxation. Disclaimer – It’s an addiction so use this strategy as a stress buster only.

8) Spend time with yourself:

Childhood was awesome. We were occupied by doing the things we liked. Stamp collection, Coins collections, Reading, Sports, etc. were our hobbies and they used to keep us occupied and happy. We enjoyed those phases of spending time with ourselves without bothering the world and without being bothered by the world. Time has changed and to sound practical money is playing an important role in survival. Today we are giving most of our day to make money and are forgetting ourselves in this race. Let’s spend some time with ourselves. 15-20 mins a day is enough to bring those memories back, to release stress, and to remember that we need to slow down and focus on ourselves as well.

We need to utilize time wisely. A Task Officer is capable enough to handle your assignments. You can do your best by avoiding small and petty tasks and can start performing healthy and stress buster activities. Slowly and steadily you will reap the benefits of what you sow. Task Papa wishes our clients, employees, prospects, and everyone a healthy and prosperous life.